Cover or lid, brass, from SMS Prinzregent Luitpold. 3/7/2014 DROIT No: 199/14. Prinzregent Luitpold 31st July 2014. 15inch Brass Lid or Cover. Receiver of Wreck. 7lbs.
ID: 2019.216
Pin badge: 'Arctic Return 1854-2019'. Pin badge, square 23mm x 23mm white enamel background with AR in central circular celtic knot motif.
ID: 2019.217
Saw fish rostrum. Taken back to South Ronaldsay after World War 2 by Marcus Wood of Berridale.
ID: 2019.218
Giant lobster claw from a creel in Weddle Sound, Burray 1970s (lower claw detached).235mm L x 130mm W x 70mm H
ID: 2019.219
MISSING - Prince George (later the Duke of Kent) arriving at Stromness for the naming ceremony of Stromness Lifeboat 'JJKSW', 6/6/1928. See Orkney Herald 13/6/1928.
ID: 2019.220.1
Salvage work on the scuttled German High Seas Fleet in Scapa Flow, date unknown.
ID: 2019.220.1000
Salvage work on the scuttled German High Seas Fleet in Scapa Flow, date unknown, showing both halfs of the floating dock positioned over a ship.
ID: 2019.220.1001
Salvage work on the scuttled German High Seas Fleet in Scapa Flow, date unknown.
ID: 2019.220.1002