Colourful knitted hat, conical shape with ear covers, or ear flaps. Bands of brightly coloured patterns red, purple, yellow, green, white, pink on a fawn background
ID: 2019.142
Leg warmer. pair, knitted, patterned leggings, or leg warmers, cream with dark brown pattern. animal and geometric pattern.
ID: 2019.143.1
Leg warmer. pair, knitted, patterned leggings, or leg warmers, cream with dark brown pattern. animal and geometric pattern.
ID: 2019.143.2
Roughly woven with decorated felt front. Red with green trim on edges. Green, white and blue embrodery, brass buttons with anchor design. Handmade with pockets in front and darts in back to shape.
ID: 2019.145
Roughly woven, dark blue jacket with red trim round edges. 3 vents at back, decorative embroidery and brass buttons with anchor design.
ID: 2019.146
Knitted Peruvian hat, with bright colours of banded design mainly geometric. Coloured wool tassle on top.
ID: 2019.147
Tunic, top, roughly woven burgundy coloured long sleeved top with green and white braid trim round V-neck and cuffs.
ID: 2019.148
Brown leather mat square with pierced decorative fringe. Square face design with fringe and circular patch in centre.
ID: 2019.150