Original copy of "The History of the Orkney Islands" by the Reverend George Barry of Shapinsay.
ID: 2004.007.01

Book of photographs and text recording and describing life in and around Scapa Flow during WW1. Burrows was the official photographer for the Grand Fleet Base.
ID: 2004.007.02

Including two lectures "Standing Stones of Stenness" by Magnus Spence and "The Orkneys in Celtic Times" by James M Macbeath.
ID: 2004.007.03

Green hard back book. The story of John (Jack) Rentons life among the inhabitants of the Soloman Islands.
ID: 2004.007.04

Hard back, very faded used to be a dark red. Selection of articles by various members of the society.
ID: 2004.007.05

Spring green hard back cover with gold writing. Version of the Orkneyinga Saga.
ID: 2004.007.06

Small booklet in poor condition, blue - grey. Poem.
ID: 2004.007.07

Gimbol clock / chronometer, brass face clock with roman numerals. Second and minute handles missing.
ID: 2005.001