
Packing lobsters on Stromness Pier, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.755
Yachts in Kirkwall bay during a regatta, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.756
The MV St. Ola approaching Stromness Pier, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.757
Four girls walking on the shore at St. Mary's village, Holm, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.758
A view over Stromness Harbour and the Holms, looking down Scapa Flow, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.759
The St. Magnus Pageant in Brandyquoy Park, Kirkwall, 29th July 1937. Staged to commemorate the octo-centenary of St. Magnus Cathedral.
ID: 2019.220.76
The M.V. St. Ola in Stromness Bay on her return from Scrabster, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.760
Unidentified, date unknown.
ID: 2019.220.761
Robert Greig, Stromness.
ID: 2019.220.762
Stromness Lifeboat, date unknown.
ID: 2019.220.763