
Captain A.W. Walker, master of the new NLB Pole Star which arrived in Stromness on 22/7/1961. See Orcadian 27/7/1961, page 5.
ID: 2019.220.71
NLB Pole Star in Stromness Harbour, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.710
RMS St. Ola approaching Stromness Pier, c.1960. In the foreground are Norwegian fishing boats, in Orkney to fish for shark and dogfish.
ID: 2019.220.711
One of the Admiralty's ferries at Houton pier, Orphir, c.1956. These vessels were a familiar sight in Scapa Flow but, due to the closing down of Lyness Naval Base in 1957, they were to be withdrawn.
ID: 2019.220.712
A group crossing over the causeway to the Brough of Birsay, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.713
A group crossing over the causeway to the Brough of Birsay, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.714
The Horse of Copinsay, Deerness, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.715
A view of Rousay in the 1950s, with the pier on the left and Trumland House in the centre.
ID: 2019.220.716
Harvest time in the West Mainland, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.717
Norwegian Whale Fishing Boats at Stromness Harbour, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.718