Harvesting with a Tractor and Binder at Garson, with Stromness in the background, c.1950s.
ID: 2019.220.557
Sandy and Kitty Tait, actors in the St. Magnus Pageant in Brandyquoy Park, Kirkwall, 29th July 1937. Staged to commemorate the octo-centenary of St. Magnus Cathedral.
ID: 2019.220.56
The naming ceremony for the Stromness Lifeboat, NLB Archibald and Alexander M. Paterson, on 25/8/1955. See Orcadian 1/9/1955, page 3.
ID: 2019.220.562
The naming ceremony for the Stromness Lifeboat, NLB Archibald and Alexander M. Paterson, on 25/8/1955. See Orcadian 1/9/1955, page 3.
ID: 2019.220.563