Stromness Academy sports day, on the Market Green, Stromness. Father's race ? Date unknown.
ID: 2019.220.197
Stromness Shopping Week Queen, 1955, Elizabeth Tait with her attendants, Elizabeth Groundwater and Marjory Mowatt.
ID: 2019.220.20
The Lobster fishing boat 'Venture' and her captain, Alfred Sinclair. He took the Kirkwall Arts Club south to Thurso so that they could compete in the SCDA finals, 1963, which they won.
ID: 2019.220.201
The Kirkwall Arts Club cast of 'The Long and The Short and The Tall'on board the lobster fishing boat 'Venture' which took them south to Thurso so that they could compete in the SCDA finals, 1963, whi
ID: 2019.220.202
The Kirkwall Arts Club cast of 'The Long and The Short and The Tall'on board the fishing boat 'Venture' which took them south so that they could compete in the SCDA finals, 1963, which they won.
ID: 2019.220.203
The Stenness Amateur Dramatic Society's cast of 'The Masterful Wife', winner of the Bon Accord Cup for the best rural entry in the North east Division of the Scottish Community Drama Association and a
ID: 2019.220.204