
Class: Gastropoda. A box of various material. Primarily an unidentifiable species of various limpet fragments with epibiotic keel worms (Spirobranchus triqueter).
ID: Z555.1.109
Class: Gastropoda. 15 specimens, 1 with substantial epibionts. Small, grey, ridged. Rounded low cone shaped, oval-shaped from above with perforation at the apex.
ID: Z555.1.11
Class: Gastropoda. 6 specimens, including one very small shell. Range of colours from off-white through pinks and reds. Conical, with well defined curved costae.
ID: Z555.1.110
Class: Gastropoda. 3 specimens.
ID: Z555.1.111
Class: Bivalvia. 5 specimens. 3 have both bivalve sides still connected. 1 left valve, 1 right valve but are both clearly different sizes and colours so therefore from different animals.
ID: Z555.1.112
Class: Bivalvia. 18 specimens. 16 have both valves still connected by the hinge.
ID: Z555.1.113
Class: Gastropoda. 4 specimens. Large, almost teardrop shaped from above but with a very wide aperture to the point where almost one full side of this shell is open.
ID: Z555.1.114
Class: Gastropoda. 3 specimens. Small and conical with a rounded aperture. Defined whorls giving a stepped effect and clear vertical costae. White and off white in colour.
ID: Z555.1.115
Class: Gastropoda. 8 specimens. Oval shaped with the aperture running the length of the shell. Most of its body is made up of the last whorl while the apex slightly extends up from the rest.
ID: Z555.1.116
Class: Gastropoda. 3 specimens. Very small, off white and oval in shaped with the aperture running the length of the shell. Similarly to other Retusa sp.
ID: Z555.1.117